Monday, July 6, 2009

Meditation in Adelaide

I recently started going to the 'Australian School of Meditation' classes being held here in Adelaide. The classes are held by an elderly couple in their early 50s. They have been practising meditation for well over two decades I believe, it could be even longer. The have transformed their living room into a full-fledged meditation hall. Its full of Krishna's photos, posters and statues. As soon as I entered the place, I felt a feeling of profound peace and calm within myself. The paintings of Krishna, comfortable sitting arrangement, mild lighting, together with the burning incense sticks created an extremely soothing atmosphere.
The style used mostly is meditation through chanting. They chant many Krishna mantras and play guitar along side. Its a very mesmerising experience. Above all, its free and many a times they also hold dinner meditations where by the patrons are provided free food. If you are interested in meditation and like the style of doing it through chanting, I guess this is the place.
For more information, you can visit the Australian School of Meditation website here.
I got a CD from them which guides you through a fifteen minute meditation retreat. You can enjoy it here -->

Apart from deeply soothing and enjoyable, another good thing about this CD is that it is just 15 minutes long. So you can get it into your daily routine very easily.
Hope you like it.

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